Wednesday, February 28, 2007


If I were to say this little adventure was for research it wouldn't have been much fun. So maybe I should just call it a rollerblade adventure. So me and Dan went to Markville Mall to get some material on our next project.

Our mission:
-Get well suited material
-Look at some brawds
-Have some tasty food in the foodcourt (MMMM TACO BELL)
-MAYBE get a couple chicks numbers.

*That didn't happen but here's what DID happen. . .

Some different style blades

What a crappy tag lol

Me and Dan popped into "Toys Retarded Us" and we managed to have a light saber duel with each other, it ended in a draw because well we were getting hungry. . .

I managed to take a few documentary style movies which were fucking hilarious. The only problem is, my digi cam only takes 30 second .MOV formatted quicktime movies so I have no way of editing them together. Maybe sometime in the future, but for now that's pretty much all the highlights. So to put this to a close what's a trip report without a sign off picture before heading home? XD!

Later dudes and dykes!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pond70 Logo

We were asked to redesign the Pong70 logo for the site. Here are some of my renditions.